If you have never heard of the term “cryptocurrencies” then please read my other article Cryptocurrencies A Possible Alternative to Traditional Banking before you read this one. Why Cryptocurrencies Are Critical To Our Freedom Cryptocurrencies bring a simple choice to people today and that is the choice to be in control of your money or for a bank to be in control. At this point in time I don’t think Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are at the point where everyone should go out and invest all of their money into, that would be foolish, but that does not mean
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Monthly Archives August 2014
Cryptocurrencies A Possible Alternative to Traditional Banking
If you have never heard of the term “cryptocurrency” let me break it down for you. In this case the word “crypto” is used as a reference to Cryptography which involves the use of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering to secure data. And as you should know the word “currency” usually refers to money as a medium of exchange. When you put the two together it means currencies that use Cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new units. What Cryptocurrencies Are In the most basic definition cryptocurrencies are currencies that use Cryptography to
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Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining, Bitcoins, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency, Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Dogecoin, Hashing Algorithms, Litecoin, Mastercoin, MazaCoin, miners, Mining, Namecoin, Private Keys, Public Keys, scrypt, SHA-256, and Transaction Block Chains.
Cisco IOS Firmware Persistence Implant JETPLOW
JETPLOW is a firmware persistence implant for Cisco PIX Series and ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) firewalls. Cisco officially acknowledged the possible NSA security vulnerabilities in their firewalls. You can view what Cisco has to say here. I personally think if this backdoor is legitimate that Cisco was not involved in the process of developing it. What It Is This backdoor allows the NSA to exploit a network that is secured with a Cisco PIX or ASA firewall by modifying the firewalls OS during boot time. If BANANAGLEE support is not available for the booting operating system then it can
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Internet Censorship in China or “The Great Firewall of China”
As some of you may have heard there is a block on China’s access to information. The Chinese government blocks all forms of communication that they feel is necessary but in this article I am going to only refer to the internet side of things. If you don’t already know blocking access to certain sites or servers on the internet is referred to as internet censorship. Internet censorship in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is technically overseen by the Ministry of Information Industry (MII). The “The Great Firewall of China” The great firewall of China is a term
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Tor Exit Relays Listed In DNSBL
This article is for the people who already know what Tor is and have a basic idea of how it works. If you don’t know what Tor is or how it works, then please visit my article Tor an Anonymity Network for a general idea of what Tor is and how it works. What DNS-based Blackhole Lists (DNSBLs) Are DNSBL stands for DNS-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) which is just the DNS based blacklists out there today that blacklist certain servers on the internet which they think are botnets. These servers are not in any way bad but many times
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Anonymity Networks, DNS, DNSBL, Humanity, Humans, Tor, and Tor Project.
Laser Microphone for Audio Surveillance
You might be using something like RedPhone by Moxie Marlinspike or PrivateGSM in a corporate network to communicate securely. Even with these solutions and state-of-the-art encryption are you really secure and free from someone being able to surveil you while you are on the phone? What a Laser Microphone Is A laser microphone is a microphone that uses a laser beam to detect sound vibrations in a distant object. Laser microphones are not very common but are sometimes used by law enforcement and other types of authorities. Laser microphones are generally pretty simple to build and use. You can build
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